Different types and sizes of Sunshine Coast pool covers are widely available. From discretely hidden pool covers stored underground in covered cavities to heavy-duty winter and safety pool covers, the various types and sizes of pool covers have a wide range of usability, the right pool cover that meets a swimming pool owner’s requirements can easily be found.

Pool covers help reduce the cost of pool maintenance chemicals and chlorine that is required to maintain clean pool water quality by protecting the swimming pool water from direct sunlight to reduce the possibility of uncontrolled algae growth when the swimming pool is left unattended or unused for extended periods. Pool covers also protect the pool from dirt and debris, which may cause unnecessary cleaning costs and harm the quality of the swimming pool water.

Pool covers also helps prevent external dirt and debris from clogging swimming pool drains, filters, and skimmers. By preventing the pool drains and filters from clogging unnecessary maintenance costs are avoided. Pool covers also help prevent the loss of pool water due to high evaporation rates during the warm summer months, thereby helping to reduce water utility bills due to replenishing additional pool water to compensate for the evaporation loss.

Pool covers, particularly thermal pool covers, can effectively retain the warmth of heated swimming pool water during the colder months to reduce additional heating costs required to reheat cold swimming pool water to its ideal warmth and swimming temperature.  By protecting the swimming pool water from contamination, evaporation, and heat loss, using the correct swimming pool covers can provide substantial maintenance savings for the swimming pool owner.

The easiest and most convenient pool covers are the automatic pool cover. The automatic pool covers have motorized rollers that can be controlled through a wall-mounted control panel or a wireless remote controller. Installation and maintenance costs of automatic pool covers may be slightly higher compared to manually operated pool covers, automatic pool covers pay for themselves by the convenience of making the rolling of pool covers easier and faster. Pool covers with automatic rollers are equipped with a fully enclosed motor and control unit that is durable and able to withstand repeated use under all weather conditions.

Pool covers with manually operated rollers are another type of pool cover that is relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain. Manual hand cranks are used to roll the swimming pool covers, and since this type of pool covers comes without motors or electrical systems, pool covers with manually-operated rollers are generally more durable than automatic pool covers and with less moving parts, manual pool covers are easy to maintain, and more forgiving of missed maintenance.

All currently manufactured pool covers are made from highly ultraviolet resistant materials and are suitable for all indoor and outdoor swimming pools with either automatic or manually controlled roller mechanisms that make it easier for swimming pool owners to roll their pool covers. Made from thick and highly durable modern materials, modern pool covers have longer service lives and are more resistant to damage and degradation caused by exposure to weather or pool cleaning chemicals.

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