Pool heating Melbourne is generally similar to all the other pool heating technologies used by people living in temperate climate zones. The heating is usually turned on in cold winter months of the year in that region.

People do not normally go swimming in winter months, but there’s a considerable number who do. This happens mostly in commercial establishments where swimming is part of the people’s spending their leisure times in cold months when nothing much happens outside of regular work schedules.


Generally, pool heating is divided into three main types, mostly dependent on their sizes and how they are used.

Domestic pool heating refers to small pools found in most backyards in household. The heating typically uses a variety of technologies.

Commercial pool heating, on the other hand, are used in larger pools whose heating needs also is much larger than those in domestic use.

The last type is called cold water warming. This heating of the water is simply to keep the water just above freezing during the winter months. Usually, the pool is not being used but just to keep the water from turning into ice.

Energy costs

For people living in temperate countries, heat is a big issue because the cold climate can keep them from moving about and work or play. With today’s technologies, they now can keep their residences warm and comfortable enough.

For those who still want to use their pools in these cold months, they have the technology to keep the water warm enough for swimming and lolling around the pool. To enjoy these comforts, people can spend substantial costs for residential, commercial and municipal pool regulators.   

Renewable energy

These days, pool heating is one of the easiest and most cost-effective applications of renewable technologies used for heating. These can help save money and energy by pre-heating water and supplementing traditional electric or gas=powered heaters used in pools.

This energy come in two main forms: direct and indirect. As usual, the size of the pool and the required temperature determine which type of heater (and types of renewable technologies) can be most effective.


Direct heaters circulate the pool water straight through a heat source, typically an unglazed solar collector. This is the most common and the simplest of all the renewable heating systems.

Direct pool heaters work best when the desired pool temperature is similar to the working temperature of the collector itself.


Indirect heaters have a secondary heat exchange loop between the collector and the pool. This means the original source heats another fluid and that fluid in turn, transfers the heat to the pool water using a heat exchanger.

Indirect pool heating systems are often used for larger pools which needs more powerful heat source that would be too hot to transfer directly to the pool.

Pool hating requires relatively low temperatures to meet the water temperature comfort range that can be used by humans. These days, most renewable pool heaters use solar energy water heating technologies.

Pool heating also requires relatively low temperatures to meet a water temperature comfort range suitable for humans.

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